Candles for More than Ambience - The Value of a Fire Reading by Psychic Harland
Date 6/14/2024
Get a Reading with Harland x9433
Have you ever been camping, perhaps with family or friends? Or perhaps a solo hike into the woods for the weekend? Either way after a long day when you arrive back at camp, what’s the first thing you do? Light a campfire. Its warmth is soothing, its shine protecting you from the unknowns lurking just beyond the lights edge. Afterwards, have you looked into the flames and gazing into the crackling ballet of heat and light before you, start seeing shapes, places faces?
Or perhaps you sat quietly in front of a roaring fireplace and been not just mesmerized by the flames, but coming to a sensible solution to your problem while watching it? You almost get a sense of self-hypnosis. This is because when we meditate, we are opening up yourself to all the elements. We are reaching out to connect with something as old as the universe itself.
Just like a crystal, fire is in fact an amplifier. It brings out our psychic senses, it touches our soul, it makes us feel warm both inside and out. It makes us feel safe. This is because the fire, coming straight from the elements has existed since the big bang, the beginning of time. The fire knows more than we do and subconsciously, it tells us how and why it'll be okay.
A Time Honored Tradition
I have had no formal training other than a few mentors I have run into along the way including shamans, a pharaoh, a native American elder, and various men (and women) of the cloth, as well as witches in various stages of the hierarchy. I have never met anyone who reads fire like this frequently but then again, I've never read tea leaves though I understand it can be done accurately.
Fire is as old as the universe, and just as wise, so by using fire for my readings, I feel a connection with not just the spirit world, but the entire universe. It also allows me to reach different depths with each person I read and, in turn, allows us both to walk away knowing that we both learned something about how the universe works. We both walk away a little smarter, wiser, and one step close to the destiny that is ahead.
-- Harland x9433
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Sanane: Harland , we all are excuse in our lives for the change that you have made. I already collected the info , it was/is the right time to put them together. Truth is heavy and overwhelming for those who cannot handle. Including me everybody is tested some failed some pass it but a few has made. You too, have been brought up in my life to guide and change . Thank you.
DAMIANO1956: I have. Found. Harland. Direct. Honest. And. Most. Important. Right. Right in. His. Readings. And a. Pleasure. To. Talk. To. But. Mostly. Harland. Does not. Hold. Back. Information. Even if it can. Upset. You. He. Tells. It. Like. It. Is.on. top. Of all. This. With. Compassion. And. Truly. Caring. To. Help. You. I find. Harland. As a. Freind. Over the phone. And. Still a. Gifted. Gentlemen. If. I. Sound. Like. I. Over. Express. That is. Because this is. Truly. How. I. Feel. And. Think. Of. Harland. Take. Or. Leave. It. Try. Harland you Will see what I say is. Real.