Predicting timing can be tricky, but it can be done!
Here are a few common cards and the length of time or season they typically indicate:
WANDS – weeks or spring
We can also have time indicators with the Major Arcana cards:
THE MOON – 28 days or four weeks
As with every reading I give, I depend on my intuition and what Spirit is telling me. I’m always amazed when a spread leaves me without doubt. When a Four of Wands, an Ace of Swords and the Moon all show up together, it’s hard to question four weeks!
One point that I always reiterate in my readings is that an event will happen “within” the time frame given. In a recent reading I told a client she would hear from her loved one within five days. He called her five hours later. Needless to say she was a very happy camper!
Most importantly, when a client does not like a timeline, he/she needs to remember that if they make just one change in their life, it can completely change the outcome of the reading. This could be as small as a friendly text or driving a different route to work. Small actions can yield huge results.