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Single on Valentine's Day: How To Celebrate With Self-Love

Date 6/11/2024
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Single on Valentine's Day? Celebrate by showing yourself some love.

Single on Valentine's Day? Celebrate by showing yourself some love.

When you're single on Valentine's Day, the holiday can bring forth a lot of different emotions. You might feel sad about your relationship status or annoyed by the couples making lovey-dovey eyes at each other. On a holiday traditionally dedicated to couples, it's important to remember that being single doesn't define your worth. In fact, Valentine's Day can be the perfect opportunity to practice self-love and remind yourself of all the other valuable relationships you have in your life.

Are you planning to fly solo on Cupid's special day? We've put together a list of ideas for celebrating the holiday, including self-love practices for single women and spiritual practices for embracing solitude on Valentine's Day.

The Benefits of Self-Love

On Valentine's Day, it's easy to feel like you must be in a romantic relationship to be happy, but that's simply not true. The most valuable love you can give is not to another person but to yourself. When you love yourself, you acknowledge your value, know your worth, and treat yourself respectfully. Self-love can have many benefits in your everyday life, including:

  • Empathy for others: By accepting and loving yourself, flaws and all, you can better empathize with others. You can give them the same grace you show yourself, allowing you to build deep, meaningful connections.
  • Clear boundaries: When you know your self-worth, you're willing and able to set clear boundaries for your mental and emotional health, and you can say "no" to things that don't serve you.
  • Willingness to take risks: Your self-love allows you to shine. You're willing to take risks because you believe in your ability to succeed — and even if you don't, you acknowledge that you can learn and grow from the experience.

This Valentine's Day, challenge yourself to view your single status not as a negative, but as a positive. Make time to show yourself some love and embrace the other relationships you have in your life. Need some ideas? Here are six ways to celebrate being single on Valentine's Day.

Engage in Self-Care

Use the holiday as an opportunity to engage in some well-deserved self-care. Do you feel your best after an intense workout? Sweat it out with some cardio or attend a high-energy class. Prefer some rest and relaxation? Run yourself a warm bath, light a soothing candle, and pop a bottle of bubbly. However you choose to recharge, make yourself a priority, and enjoy some alone time.

If you meditate, practice this form of self-care on Valentine's Day, setting intentions for self-love. Sit quietly in solitude and focus your energy on the respect and love you have for yourself. Repeat a positive affirmation to yourself, such as "I am enough" or "I accept myself exactly the way I am." Never tried meditation? Search online to find a guided video or app you can use for your first time.

Treat Yourself

Valentine's Day is the time to show someone you love them with a romantic gesture, so why can't that someone be you? Head to the store and treat yourself to something that'll make you smile. You might buy a box of your favorite chocolates, a bottle of new perfume, or a vibrant bouquet. Not into chocolates or gifts? Treat yourself to an evening of takeout with your favorite foods. You'll avoid the crowded restaurants and won't have to do the dishes later.

Call a Friend

If you start to feel down about being single, remind yourself of the other meaningful relationships you have in your life. Call a friend and catch up with them. Ask about their life and share your updates. You should aim to keep the conversation positive and avoid commiserating about Valentine's Day. Instead, focus on the joy your friend brings you. Before you hang up, express your appreciation for their friendship, and tell your friend you love them.

Send Valentine Cards

Think back to your earliest memories of Valentine's Day. Remember how excited you were when you handed out cards to your friends and classmates? Channel your inner child and send Valentine cards to your loved ones, such as your close friends and family. Write a personalized message on each card sharing why you value them and expressing your love for them. Not only will it show your loved ones how much they mean to you, but it will also remind you of the personal connections you have beyond romantic relationships.

Take Yourself on a Date

On Valentine's Day, spend some time with the most important person in your life: you! Take yourself on a date anywhere you want to go. Plan a picnic in the park, see a movie in the theater, or take a wine-and-painting class. For a unique date night, play the part of a tourist and visit a part of the city you've never been to. Wander the streets and explore new-to-you shops, cafes, and other fun spots.

Prefer a stay-at-home date? Plan a romantic dinner for one and cook a delicious meal for yourself. Light some candles and use your fanciest dinnerware. After dinner, curl up on the couch and watch a new show or movie you've been wanting to see.

Spend Time With Your Single Friends

While it may sometimes feel like you're the last single person on the planet, we can assure you that's not true. Take a close look at your inner circle, and you'll probably find you have other single friends who might be feeling apprehensive about the holiday. Gather them together for a Valentine's Day celebration. Plan a dinner party with a catered meal or arrange a potluck where everyone brings a different dish. Other ideas include a game night, pajama party, rom-com movie marathon, or cookie swap. No matter how you celebrate, you'll enjoy the quality time you spend together.

This Valentine's Day, flip the conventional narrative and celebrate the love you have for yourself and those closest to you. We promise you won't regret it. Want more insights into how you can show love to yourself? Book a reading with a Psychic Source advisor for some guidance on ways you can practice self-love.

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