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Sadia's 6 Things You Need to Know about Cheating

Date 10/7/2022
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Cheating can happen at any time... to any one.

Cheating can happen at any time... to any one.

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Hiiii! I have an interesting topic for my latest list, one that may hit home for some… the big C! Cheating and it affects everyone. Men and women, it doesn’t matter what race, religion, sexual orientation, social status, or tax bracket you are in. The big C can come at any time. 

It has become a widespread epidemic among the stars too. Brad Pitt/Jennifer Aniston, Maria Shriver/The Terminator, Sandra Bullock/Jesse James (still don't get that one). Cheating causes a range of emotions, we have our highs and lows and most times hurtful consequences. Despite all of that, cheating has been around since the beginning of time. 

Infidelity is also a big movie genre. There are some great ones including 1987's “Fatal Attraction,” Demi Moore's “Indecent Proposal” from ‘93, Spike Lee's controversial “Jungle Fever” in ‘91 and how about Diane Lane’s incredible performance in 2002's “Unfaithful?” Let’s not forget the music industry with “Before He Cheats” by Carrie Underwood, “Unfaithful” by Rihanna, “Jolene” by the amazing Dolly Parton, and one of my favorites, “Cry Me a River,” Justin Timberlake’s famous tribute to cheating Brittany Spears, just to name a few!
As a psychic advisor, I have noticed a great increase in infidelity calls especially in the past five years due to the easy access thru social media sites like Facebook, dating sites like the infamous Ashley Madison, and the overall unhappiness due to the everyday stresses of life.

Since cheating has been around for centuries and isn't going away anytime soon, I have decided to compile a list. Please note, this list isn't for everybody and it is impossible to cover everything. I will not be addressing soulmates who find each other while married to others since that is a topic all in itself. Infidelity can be painful for all parties involved and it is not my intention to hurt anyone. When it comes to cheating, this is what I have seen over the years. I hope it helps.

The 6 Most Important Things to Know About Cheating

#1 - For the Cheated On...  INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY!
If you suspect your partner is cheating, most times you will feel it in your gut or see changes in behaviors like more phone and computer activity, working later hours, and changes in mood, and physical distance. Before you question your partner, make note of these signs of cheating and find your proof. For starters, you don't want to give your partner a heads up so they know to be more discreet. And second, you don't want to put yourself in a situation where they deny it…  without proof, everyone does. If this happens you start to feel like you are going crazy because you want to believe them even though deep down you know something is wrong. Try to keep your suspicions to yourself until you can confront him or her with facts.

#2 - THE 5 W's including WTF?!
When we’re cheated on, we are in pain and feel we have lost all control. All we want (other than for it to all just be a bad dream) is to have answers. We feel so lost and need these answers desperately... that’s where the 5 W's come in:

Who? WTF? Where? When? and Why?

Once you confront your cheater with proof, ask your questions but don't expect the truth at first (and unfortunately depending on your partner, possibly not at all.) During readings, I explore both your partner’s thoughts and emotions to see whether they are telling you the truth or just giving you what you want to hear. I’ve found the Why part is always the hardest since it doesn’t always make sense and there isn't always a reason. One can still love someone and hurt them; love doesn't always guarantee fidelity. These readings can be difficult and painful but helpful and empowering during your decision-making process.

#3 – Mark Your Territory!
I'm currently trying to patent a branding tool to mark your partner’s forehead that says, “Property of ______.”  Just kidding, but wouldn't that be amazing?! I personally think it would be harder to cheat if my guy had my name branded on his forehead – ha! 

On a serious note, I have found it helps to mark your territory and confront the 3rd party. Often, the cheater is lying to both of you. Calling the other person and talking about what is really happening can help. I can hear you saying "Sadia, I don't want to talk to that @#$%*&!" It’s painful and definitely not for everyone but when you feel like you've lost your power this helps you regain control. Sometimes that @#$%*& is being told lies about you and thinks you are the @#$%*&. It does help if you both know the truth about each other. Plus, it’s harder to cheat if you can't get away with it! 

#4 – Should I Stay or Should I Go?
No, I'm not talking about the very catchy 80's hit by The Clash. This is the question you will be asking yourself repeatedly, but the answer is different for everyone! Keep in mind, there is no right or wrong answer, just what’s best for you. Unfortunately, we can't prevent it from happening; we can only deal with cheating after it happens, like an earthquake. Once one hits and we feel somewhat stable again we need to look at the damage it has left and the aftershocks it may continue to produce. 

Can you handle the clean-up alone? Should you call friends, family, or psychic advisors for support? Should you stay and rebuild or should you walk away and start new elsewhere? Sometimes we realize it is time to go and sometimes the rebuilding is worth the time and effort. As you begin to heal and see the reality of your circumstances you will know what to do and as always, I am here for you!

#5 – For the “Other Woman/Man”
Let’s look past the original couple but now focus on “the other woman (or man).” Being in this position can be one of the most exciting feelings we have ever experienced making us feel madly in love and on top of the world at first, but in some cases, it can quickly turn into one of the most painful experiences we will ever go thru. It helps to know who you are falling for and what their reality is. So many questions!

Is he telling you the truth? 
Is he really going to leave his current partner? 
Is there a plan? 
Is what you are getting from him/her enough for you? 
Are you in a relationship but still feeling alone and neglected? 
Will you end up together at some point or will you be stuck in an endless pattern of back and forth if you begin to ask for more than he is willing give? 

Thought readings can help here too it helps to know what you have gotten yourself into so you can make decisions for yourself. By the way, a thought reading is a type of reading I do where I look into your partner's thoughts, and depending on the strength of my connection, I can often sound just like them by repeating things they've actually said, it's pretty cool.  Anyway, most times "the earthquake" is so caught up in his own feelings and only focused on one thing and one thing only... himself!

There can be love here but as I've said earlier love doesn't mean you won't get hurt. There are times when I look into a guy’s thoughts and he is telling the truth and sometimes he's not. There are times when he’s sincere and will follow thru and sometimes he won't. It helps to be prepared and to know if you can trust what he is saying. If you are calling for a "thought reading," it is important that you take note of the date and time a statement is made that you need clarification on and have it handy when you call.

#6 – For the Earthquake (aka the Cheater) 
In most cases cheating takes time…. a look, a smile, a conversation, texting, phone calls, Facebook messages, you get the picture. Cheating can also be an emotional attachment without anything physical or there may be a touch, a kiss, a date, a bed, the backseat of a car, a motel that charges for rooms by the hour, or whatever floats your boat. 

Maybe you are unhappy, lonely, and tired of responsibilities. Or maybe you feel alive again. Or maybe you are in love or bored or having a midlife crisis. Or maybe you just don't care… Whatever the reason is, there is always a moment during that courting stage to stop for a second and think about all parties involved. If you take a moment to sincerely think about the consequences before you act... would you still do it?

If you made it all the way down to the end of this article, thank you, I know I had a lot to say! But wait, before I go, I want to I leave you with a final quote from Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter Alicia Keys "Through the shake of an earthquake I will never fall. That’s how strong my love is."  

I hope during this painful time your love for yourself is always strong, you know that you are a survivor and will get thru it and for all of you affected by the earthquake, you know that I am here for you always.


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Lara2024: Great Reading, love this article

Linda5925: Love this article!!! I have been the victim of being cheated on in a previous marriage and I went through all of those emotions including the WTF lol. I didn’t choose to talk to the other woman, but found out the other woman found out later that she had also been lied to and she walked away. Of course by then I was already gone and it was the right decision for me. I first rebuilt me and I’m now remarried. But like the article said, it’s a personal choice but it was the right one for me.

Funnybabe: This article is very relevant to meet right now. Thank you

Daydreamer: This article had no psychic value whatsoever. This article is no different than an editorial in Cosmo magazine.

BlueGrey23: Great article! I would love to read an article on soulmates in the future :)

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