Your Sun sign only tells part of your story. Psychic Devi dives into Descending Signs and how they affect you.

Many people are unaware of the power and placement of the Descendant sign in our natal chart. The placement lies near our 7th house, our house of relationships. Our descendant sign is opposite to our rising sign, and it can be associated with our shadow side. In relationships, it's often seen that opposites attract.
With that being said, learning more about our descendant sign can teach more about how to interact with different types of people on a daily basis. Here we can learn more about potential love interests as well as potential outcomes with friendships or business partners. We will talk more about the Descendants and their characteristics based on their elements.
Each element handles relationships differently. Earth signs tend to like routine and they expect stability when dealing with others. Fire signs are known for their energy and they want to make sure others can keep up with them. Water signs want to make sure that the person is sincere and emotionally stable, whereas Air signs have a variety of interests and can lose interest easily.
Keywords for Descending Signs
Fire Signs - Passionate, Creative, and Motivated
Aries-Leadership, Discipline and Instinct
Leo- Enthusiastic, Competitive, and Strong
Sagittarius- Adventurous, Daring and Courageous
Earth Signs - Secure, Productive and Cautious
Capricorn- Determined, Organized and Prosperous
Taurus- Dignified, Patient, and Possessive
Virgo- Efficient, Introspective, and Adaptable
Air Signs - Intellectual, Communicative, and Innovative
Aquarius- Inventive, Rebellious and Independent
Gemini-Adaptable, and Versatile and Inquisitive
Libra-Balanced, Determined and Cooperative
Water Signs - Intuition, Emotion, and Sensitivity
Pisces- Expressive, Compassionate and Imaginative
Cancer- Nurturing, Tenacious, and Moody
Scorpio- Transformative, Mysterious and Powerful
Guide to Astrology
Our comprehensive Astrology Guide covers astrology basics, from what is astrology, to the signs of the zodiac, how the sun, moon, and planets impact your life, and much more.