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Two of Cups

The Two of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

This card often features a couple, both holding cups, facing each other. Something in their clothing or in the background may signal that there is a celebration going on. A common motif found in this card is a caduceus crowned by a winged lion’s head.

Two of Cups Tarot Card Upright Meaning

The energy of the Ace of Cups has opened the door for an actual relationship to manifest in the Two of Cups. This card represents the rush you feel in a new relationship. Things are still in the honeymoon stage, but there’s a promising future. When you see this card in a reading, things are looking good for any relationship you were asking about.

2 of Cups Upright Keywords: union, respect, a good fit, harmonious partnership, hitting it off right away

Two of Cups Tarot Card Reversed Meaning

Instead of the instant harmony of upright meaning, the Two of Cups reversed indicates a bungled first meeting. Something is just off with the connection between you and the other person. There’s mistrust where there should be cooperation. Take a look at the surrounding cards and see if you can find where the point of contention is.

2 of Cups Reversed Keywords: resentment, mistrust, loathing at first sight, starting off on the wrong foot