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Tarot Card Interpretation for Multiple Conflicting Readings

Date 7/26/2022
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Are the cards giving you mixed messages?

Are the cards giving you mixed messages?

Have you had multiple tarot card readings that have led you to asking how to interpret it all? Whether you have received conflicting tarot readings or the same tarot card keeps coming up, read below to learn what message you are supposed to be receiving.

Why Is Your Tarot Reading Different From One You Got Before?

One of the biggest questions a tarot reader has to deal with actually has nothing to do with the subject of the reading. Many times a questioner will have several readings on the same subject, and the readings will give different answers, but why do psychic readings change? This can be very confusing as you wonder if the original tarot cards were wrong, but there are several things that could be going on and causing the readings to change

First, the future is changeable, meaning you can change a psychic prediction. Every action or decision made by someone involved in a questioned situation affects the outcome, even if they aren't directly involved. For example, if you had a fight with your partner and you're having a second reading that says the relationship is in danger of ending, even though you just had a reading that said it was going to work out, someone has likely done something to change the circumstances. Maybe your partner has spoken to someone about the argument and something they said made your partner think that leaving the relationship is a good idea. Maybe they went out for a drink, or to the grocery store, and met someone they might fall in love with, and now the possible futures have changed.

Career readings are the same way. You're asking whether you'll get the job you applied for, and the first reading says yes. Then a new application is filed by someone who is better qualified and your second reading says that you MAY get the job if your interview goes better than theirs or you wrote a better cover letter. That second reading might also say that you won't get the job because the other applicant researched the company and you didn't bother, or because the other applicant sent a thank you letter and you didn't.

Tiny changes in the surrounding circumstances can make huge differences in the results of a reading. Even changes in the way you ask the question can change the focus of the reading so that different details are highlighted.

The future is never fixed or immutable; it is ever-changing, always adjusting to the decisions and actions of everyone involved in a situation. Tarot is a guide, choosing the most likely outcome out of the thousands of possibilities, suggesting actions that can improve the chances of a positive outcome, or warning against actions that will damage those chances. Even having a reading can affect the outcome if it causes you to do something differently. If a reading warns you not to do something you were planning, and you change your plans, it can change the outcome completely and another reading five minutes later could have a totally different answer to the same question.

Do You Keep Seeing The Same Tarot Card?

Sometimes a single tarot card seems to follow you wherever you go. This can feel disconcerting, but there's nothing nefarious in the works. In fact, the universe might have a specific idea or journey in mind for you, so it pays to heed the signs.

Tarot Card Interpretation is Partially Subjective

Every tarot card has a specific meaning and purpose, but it isn't all set in stone. When you get a tarot reading, the psychic you work with has his or her own interpretation of each card. This individual perspective will color the spread.

It's a little like the law. Every jurisdiction has written laws that citizens must obey, but one judge might interpret the law differently from his or her colleague. Neither judge is inherently wrong — they're both informed by their experiences and personalities.

You Must Investigate the Meaning Behind the Card

Perhaps a particular card continues to appear in spreads because you haven't interpreted it correctly. Digging into the meaning you or your psychic assigns to the card might reveal a perspective you haven't yet considered.

For instance, the Magician card signifies power and forward momentum. However, maybe your psychic specifically associates the Magician with the balance of power in relationships. In this case, the card's reappearance might suggest that you're looking in the wrong place for answers, such as work or hobbies.

Maybe You're Not Listening

Cards can appear repeatedly in spreads if you're not paying close enough attention during your phone tarot readings. In other words, you heard what your psychic said, but you haven't yet applied it to your life.

For instance, if you continually see the High Priestess card in spreads, perhaps you know you should listen to your intuition more, but you're resisting it. Negative experiences in your past could lead you to ignore the card's suggestion, so it continues to give you nudging reminders.

Perhaps You're Taking the Wrong Direction

When you start a tarot reading, you might focus on a specific area of your life. This doesn't mean that the universe will comply with your wish.

Perhaps there's a particular change you need to make or a truth you need to see. Tarot cards might continue to reappear in an effort to get your attention.

For instance, maybe you don't need to focus on your finances as much as you think. It's possible that other areas of your life, such as relationships and family, need to take center stage as you navigate your path.

You Might Have a Blockage

Tarot cards can reappear when you're blocked from taking a particular next step. You're incapable of seeing the truth because preconceived notions or emotional baggage are blocking the way.

To resolve this issue, you must remove the blockage. Eliminating toxic relationships and opening your mind to new possibilities can help.

When you constantly see a particular tarot card in many spreads, you might not know how to interpret it. Use the strategies above to understand what that card means for you and how to resolve any conflicts.

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Tamara: Back in the island of Samoa, my mother and her best friend had a reading from a man, who just used regular playing cards. What he predicted and seen in the (regular playing) cards came true! From my mother marrying my dad who's older, and having 2 kids boy and girl, which happened( that's me and my brother) and how there marriage will play out till the end. Also her nest friend who married twice which happened, and having 6 children's 2 girls and 4 boys! There are true honest to God psychics who have the gift from the good lord who really can see your future. And this man who did the regular playing cards for mother and her friend did it for free, back in the early 50's.. For me, there are times when the tarot cards are wrong, and there are times it's right! It all depends on the person who's giving the reading. Because one psychic deals with a lot of people on line or on the phone I do believe there is not enough time for the psychic to cleanse and clear the air! Remember your paying for minutes it depends on your bank! There's one question I asked in a tarot reading! can you describe this person I'm supposed to meet and when? And for the last almost 4 years I've been on P/S nobody! I've gotten all kinds of answer's from days, months, years! All pushed back, not this year but next year! You name it! I'll be shocked if I meet Mr. Tarot card soulmate!! I do wish all psychic's do a 2 to 3 minute cleansing before, reading with the next caller in line!! Hope this comment helped! Tamara :))

Tamara: Back in the island of Samoa, my mother and her best friend had a reading from a man, who just used regular playing cards. What he predicted and seen in the (regular playing) cards came true! From my mother marrying my dad who's older, and having 2 kids boy and girl, which happened( that's me and my brother) and how there marriage will play out till the end. Also her nest friend who married twice which happened, and having 6 children's 2 girls and 4 boys! There are true honest to God psychics who have the gift from the good lord who really can see your future. And this man who did the regular playing cards for mother and her friend did it for free, back in the early 50's.. For me, there are times when the tarot cards are wrong, and there are times it's right! It all depends on the person who's giving the reading. Because one psychic deals with a lot of people on line or on the phone I do believe there is not enough time for the psychic to cleanse and clear the air! Remember your paying for minutes it depends on your bank! There's one question I asked in a tarot reading! can you describe this person I'm supposed to meet and when? And for the last almost 4 years I've been on P/S nobody! I've gotten all kinds of answer's from days, months, years! All pushed back, not this year but next year! You name it! I'll be shocked if I meet Mr. Tarot card soulmate!! I do wish all psychic's do a 2 to 3 minute cleansing before, reading with the next caller in line!! Hope this comment helped! Tamara :))

SatyaMishra: We look at divinity power to to know answers beyond a obvious situation. If divinity power relies on logic, it raises question such as how the 'divinity' will place itself above and beyond something that is 'generic'.

SatyaMishra: We look at divinity power to to know answers beyond a obvious situation. If divinity power relies on logic, it raises question such as how the 'divinity' will place itself above and beyond something that is 'generic'.

NameGoesHere: I agree with JaneDoe's comment. One second the tarot says I will get the job. The next second it says that I won't because someone just submitted a better resume. So, the answer is always ultimately that the tarot doesn't really know. I am really know better off by having a reading. Maybe something will happen. Maybe it won't. It sounds like the tarot is not good for predictions.

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