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How Intuitive Tarot Reading Works: A Psychic's Personal Take by Psychic Janax

Date 8/13/2024
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Janax with her tarot cards and tools.

Janax with her tarot cards and tools.

The Tarot is an ancient oracle that has been used for centuries to clarify, define and 'hone in' on certain situations. It’s like adjusting a pair of binoculars to create a clearer focus. Although the imagery has remained fairly standard for a long time, each person brings their own experiences to a reading, and their own connection to the symbolism in the cards. Intuitive tarot reading works best for who I am and my connection to spirit.

Preparing to Give a Tarot Reading

When I’m doing an in-person reading, I instruct the seeker to shuffle the cards in whatever way feels right to them and stop when it feels right. While doing phone psychic readings, I shuffle the deck and lay them out for the person. I tune into them while incense and candles burn in the room with me. I also like to ring my Tibetan bell first to clear any negative energy

I also smudge and do a cleansing house ritual once a month, preferably on the new moon. I wear two black tourmaline pendants and surround myself with crystals, obsidian, and certain positive energy objects.

How Intuitive Tarot Interpretation Works for Me

I use my tarot cards to augment what I feel from spirit. I don’t adhere to rigid meanings for each card because the symbols that I interpret are extremely personal to me. Many mediums will tell you different things. For example, one may feel that a rose represents a motherly energy coming through, or that a body ache may indicate what a passed-over soul suffered or died from.

Just like songs invoke different memories and feelings in people—even if it’s the same song or melody—the same goes for my tarot cards.

How Do I Intuitively Interpret Tarot Cards

I always see tarot cards like dream symbols. While dream books give general outlines of archetypal universal symbols which have been incorporated into mass consciousness throughout centuries, dreams are still very specific and personal to each individual.  

Let’s say that five people dreamt of a dog:

  1.  A veterinarian who wanted to become a vet since childhood and now makes her livelihood from helping dogs. 
  2. Someone who has always wanted a dog, but could never get one because he’s allergic.
  3. A person who was badly mauled by a dog and has carried those physical and psychological scars for many years.
  4. A woman who feels nothing one way or another about dogs—she’s totally neutral.
  5. An extreme dog lover who's had many rescue dogs, volunteers and contributes for causes, and is devastated when his dogs pass over.

Now those five people who dreamt of a dog would all experience different thoughts and subconscious feelings through dreams. For each one of these people, the dog dream could mean:

  1. Line of work/her job is on her mind.
  2. Unfulfilled desires.
  3. Fear (either of dogs or something else).
  4. This one would be left in question to interpret.
  5. A happy dream, perhaps connecting to a beloved lost dog.

Similarly, the tarot cards, each with a defined universal meaning, still bring about different, highly personal meanings for the person I’m reading. As a psychic, I 'feel' a person's thoughts and questions through them, and the cards combined. Depending on what cards I draw, they give me clarity. 

Sometimes I just shuffle them while talking to a person, and other times I lay them out. I may draw none or just a few. To me, the cards and the meanings I get from them assist me more so than any guide to tarot card meanings.

If you have a person who you’re missing or who’s passed over, and you often get signs, those signs are highly personal to you. I believe likewise it is with the Tarot. Tarot cards are an ancient tool—like artist’s paint brushes—so different things may be painted with them; from landscapes to still-lifes, to portraits or mystical art. Depending on the colors, technique, lighting, and skill of the artist, different images will emerge.

Tarot cards are like my paint brushes; they’re my tools to create YOUR picture. 



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Janax is a seasoned advisor with 34 years of experience in this sacred field. Her journey as an empath has been a beautiful and fulfilling one. Janax’s Celtic heritage has enriched her spiritual awareness, and the wisdom passed down through generations has enabled her to see beyond the veil. She chooses to work primarily without tools, relying instead on her intuition and empathic gifts to guide her. However, Janax does utilize tarot cards, crystals, pendulums, and numerology to complement and clarify the readings, enhancing the overall experience for her clients.


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