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Positive Affirmations

Date 1/31/2023
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You’d be astounded by how much positive thoughts and emotions can affect the physical world. Just by thinking happy thoughts, reading positive quotes, or acting in an uplifting manner, you can change your own outlook and the outlook of those around you. It might sound far-fetched, but there is actually a scientific basis to this!

As it turns out, scientific research suggests that positive affirmations produce chemical changes in the brain which can create tangible benefits. If you've avoided positive affirmations in the past because they seemed hokey or ineffectual, you might want to consider the evidence that suggests otherwise.

The Scientific Basis for How Positive Affirmations Work

Positive Affirmations Can Strengthen Nerve Connections

Just as you make connections between certain feelings and activities, the nerve pathways related to those associations make connections, as well. 

Positive affirmations create positive connections between nerves in your brain. When you think positive thoughts, your brain releases chemicals related to those positive emotions. The same happens when you think negative thoughts. If you were told of a loved one's passing while you ate your favorite food, for instance, you might thereafter dislike the dish. Those connections create a "neuro-net," according to an article by Sam Page, that develops over your entire lifespan. If you reinforce positive connections between two emotions or situations, you'll continue to experience the same result.

Creating Connections You Don't Mean — Yet

Let's say, for example, that experience has taught you that hope leads to disappointment. Every time you feel a surge of hope, something happens to let you down. To reverse this limiting belief, you might repeat the positive affirmation "I feel hopeful, and I'm confident that good things will come." You might not believe it, but you tell yourself that statement several times a day.

In response, your brain creates neural connections between the state of feeling hopeful and confident in a positive outcome. Your brain chemistry changes based on what you say and repeat rather than what you actually believe.

Positive Affirmations Create Increased Error-Related Negativity

This might sound like a bad thing, but scientists at Carnegie Melon University discovered that heightened error-related negativity — a measurable brain response to mistakes — actually creates a positive result. In a study on 38 undergraduates, researchers encouraged positive affirmations in one group and discouraged them in another. They then performed a series of tests with the subjects hooked up to EKGs.

The results showed that the positive affirmation group performed better on the tests, but had higher negative brain responses to errors. This suggests that positive affirmations have a positive impact on productivity and accuracy.

People Are Flexible and Adaptable

Scientific research suggests that people can adapt and change with evolving circumstances. Just because you feel a certain way today doesn't mean you'll continue to feel that same way in the future. Positive affirmations create a passive vehicle for changing how you view the world even when you don't currently feel capable.

Now let's explore some powerful positive affirmations that will change your attitude, and change your life!

Positive Affirmations for Women

  • I am an irresistible woman from the inside out.
  • I am a woman who is courageous, strong, gracious, irresistible, and loving.
  • I am a woman who is ever-evolving and expanding. I am a magnet for love, peace, and joy.
  • As a woman, I am an intuitive being and I follow my intuition which leads me to endless opportunities.
  • I erase all thoughts of negativity and I am open to newness and creating my world through positive thoughts, words, and actions. 

Positive Affirmations for Kids

  • I am happy, safe, and loved.
  • It’s okay that I am different because I am perfect as I am.
  • I am smart and I am growing and learning all the time.
  • No one can hurt me or touch me for I am perfect in my own way and as I am.
  • I am loving to my family and friends. I am surrounding myself with loving friends. 

Positive Affirmations for Work

  • I am a rock star at work, committed to doing and being my best!
  • The doors of opportunity are wide open for my advancement and I am ready to receive.
  • I love what I do and I am energized by the endless opportunities being presented to me.
  • Opportunity knocks at my door in unexpected ways as I let my brilliance shine for others to see.
  • I am opening the door for my brilliance to shine in the work that I do. 

Positive Affirmations for Success

  • I am committed to my vision. The thoughts that I think, the words, that I speak, the actions that I take, and my vision are becoming my reality.
  • I am stepping into my success. With the thoughts that I think, the words that I speak, and the actions I take I am creating my new reality.
  • Where I am right now I am successful and courageous. I am taking the leap into the lap of my new world as I align with my heart’s desires.
  • Infinite possibilities are being presented to me for my success. I am successful.
  • I go around any perceived blocks in manifesting my life and heart’s desires. I am radiating success and confidence.

Affirmations for Morning

  • I am excited to greet the day and have another “do-over”.
  • I am loving and I am at peace and carry this with me throughout the day.
  • When I open my eyes I am grateful to be alive.
  • I rest in the moment knowing I am perfect as I am.
  • I know what I think I am attracting. I choose to attract life’s avalanches of abundance for I am ready to receive. 

Affirmations for Night

  • I am surrounding myself in a blanket of translucent light as I rest my head on my pillow knowing I am protected and loved.
  • I release the energies of the day and breathe in gratitude for all the positive outcomes I am receiving.
  • I give thanks and gratitude for all that I have and I am resting in peace and joy.
  • I am surrounding my family and friends in love, peace, and light.
  • I am surrounding myself in a cocoon of peace, love, and light.
  • I am embracing the night for a peaceful sleep as I am giving thanks for the close of the day. 

Affirmations for Anxiety

  • I am letting go of the worry and the fear as I am releasing it from my mental and physical body.
  • I am choosing to embrace the feeling of peace and love.
  • I am releasing fear and doubt from my mind. I am replacing it with trust and faith. Everything is perfect in my world as it is now.
  • I am setting boundaries for any toxic situation.
  • I am attracting and creating a world with people who match my energy. 

Positive Affirmations for Self-Esteem

  • I forgive and let go as I know I am a Divine Being.
  • I am worthy of receiving love, joy, and peace, as I raise my energy. I am a magnet for the wealth of abundance in my life.
  • My Soul is perfect and complete. I am aligning my human personality and body to my Soul.
  • My health, wealth, joy, and peace is the choice I am making throughout my day.
  • I am courageous, strong and confident in my thoughts, words, and actions.


Author's Photo Affirmations Provided by Paige x7868

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