How to Hypnotize Yourself to Shift Your Outlook and Find Answers by Psychic Hope
Date 11/5/2024
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As the world turns, we have been through a lot of positive and negative transformations with the pandemic. On a positive note, it has brought in a new expansion of spiritual awareness for humanity to evolve sooner. With these changes, it is challenging us more to look at ourselves more deeply, especially on a spiritual and vibrational level.
As we drive deeper into our higher selves, we are peeling back many layers that feel like an onion. Be mindful you might be tearing up a little bit! When we do any form of healing work, depending on the circumstances, we are dealing with our shadow selves. Our shadow selves have ways of coming up through our consciousness (things that we’re already aware of) and subconsciousness (things that are stored in our minds or spirits that we are not self-aware of yet).
So, we ask ourselves, what methods are out there to help us with uplifting up our higher selves and to unlock healing that can create a positive transformation?
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a trance-like mental state in which people experience increased attention, concentration, and suggestibility. While hypnosis is often described as a sleep-like state, it is better expressed as a state of focused attention, heightened suggestibility, and vivid fantasies. People in a hypnotic state often seem sleepy and zoned out, but they are in a state of hyper-awareness. While there are many myths and misconceptions, hypnosis is a very real process that can be used as a therapeutic tool. Hypnosis has been shown to have medical and therapeutic benefits.
Here are a few diverse ways that hypnosis can be delivered:
Guided Hypnosis
A Guided Hypnosis is a form of hypnosis that involves the use of tools such as recorded instructions and music to induce a hypnotic state. Online sites and mobile apps often utilize this form of hypnosis.
Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis in psychotherapy and is practiced by licensed physicians and psychologists to treat conditions including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), eating disorders and much more.
Self-Hypnosis is a process that occurs when a person self-induces a hypnotic state. It is often used as a self-help tool for controlling pain, managing stress, inducing relaxation, and creating a better mindset.
Interesting enough, hypnosis has a healing and vibrational element to help unlock potential holistic healing, especially on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level. Hypnosis has been used to help people in past life regression sessions. On an intuitive level, it can clear energetic blockages that affect the chakras (energy fields/aura in a person’s physical body).
Benefits of Self-Hypnosis
Now let’s switch gears! I want to focus on how we can benefit from hypnosis. Today, people are becoming more interested in learning Self-hypnosis with simple ways to use the method at home. Self-hypnosis involves becoming highly focused and absorbed in the experience while giving yourself positive suggestions about ways to reach your goals.
Self-hypnosis is learning to focus/motivate yourself, be more self-aware, and make the best use of your innate skills. When you see other people do amazing things, they are usually intensely focused on what they’re doing and what they’re trying to accomplish. Self-hypnosis is all about developing and using your focus in a goal-directed fashion.
Self-hypnosis is like meditation in that both involve entering a calm and relaxed state. When people practice self-hypnosis, they tend to have a specific goal in mind, something that will improve their quality of life in some way. In meditation, there is no goal, just an easy acceptance of wherever the mind goes without judgment or intention. Both meditation and self-hypnosis have the potential to promote physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health in parallel ways, thus highlighting the merits of learning to develop and use focus meaningfully.
Insightful Steps How to Hypnotize Yourself at Home
Getting comfortable: Wear comfortable clothing to help you relax and be at ease at home.
Finding the right spot: Put yourself in a quiet room, so you will not be disturbed. I know this will be hard but mute your cell phone and be away from any potential distractions.
Setting your specific goals: This is where you can get creative in your goal setting. Be specific in your intention of what you want to achieve, whether that’s improving self-esteem, breaking a habit, getting better sleep, or about anything. Just be specific!
Focus your gaze: Just find something simple to line your slight to focus on, such as a picture, colorful object, or safely lighting a candle while focusing on the flame.
Adding music in the background: Having some relaxing music in the background helps with focusing and transition your body into a calm state of mind. This is a personal preference if you choose to include it in the self-hypnosis.
Breathing slowly and deeply while continue to relax: Here is a simple exercise to come into a place of calmness. Inhale through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. Let your eyes rest on the focus point. Continue breathing while imagining with each exhale breath that your eyelids getting heavier and keep going until they feel too heavy to keep open. Just continue the exercise until you become self-aware of drifting and return it to your breath. Keep repeating as you release any tension from your body.
Visualization and spending time in your scene: This is a key step to bring in relaxation. While using your senses, it creates a peaceful mental, happy place. Imagine surrounding yourself with clouds or relaxing colors, walking on a beach, sitting in a garden, or anything that comes to mind that brings you peace. Continue the visualization while it begins to soothe you and makes your body heavier. Think as going into a deep sleep and sinking into a chair or sofa.
Affirming yourself with a mantra: Here are a few suggestions with incorporating a mantra. Begin with every inhale with, “I am worthy,” and exhale with, “I am enough.” The other option would be inhaling with, “I am calm,” and exhaling with, “I am at peace.”
Move to your goal: Once you are feeling completely calm, use visualization to focus on your goal. Don’t skimp any details. Make your scene very vivid. For example, you are wanting to stand more confident when talking with people. Hold yourself in a position of calmness, while not feeling rushed or nervous, but speaking slowly with the authority of your truths or expertise on a subject matter. Another example would be you wanting to sleep better. You would visualize being in a comfortable bed with soft sheets and hearing the hum of a fan and breathing in a peaceful rhythm as you drift to sleep.
Affirm your goal: Imagine achieving your goal, then mentally repeat it, such as “I’m speaking confidently, without feeling nervous,” “I’m sleeping peacefully at night,” “I want enjoy going to the gym,” “I will give up caffeine,” “I don’t want to smoke,” and the list goes on.
Let your body return to normal: After five minutes or so, please prepare yourself to leave your hypnotic state. Imagine each inhale drawing your energy from the world around you and each exhale sending it flowing through your body. Each breath leaves you lighter until you return to normal.
Wake yourself up: Begin counting down from ten, telling yourself, “When I reach one, I will open my eyes and be energized and alert.”
There are other methods that can be combined with self-hypnosis, such as Reiki and crystals.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is an ancient, Eastern belief therapy and means “UNIVERSAL LIFE ENERGY” when put together. Reiki originated in Japan. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life” and (Ki) which means “Energy.” It was wonderfully discovered by an inspiring, Buddhist Monk named Mikao Usui, who learned to sense, feel, and channel life energy that flows through every human being on Earth, including animals and plants. Reiki has no affiliation with any religion or religious practice. Plus, anyone can learn Reiki, which is a very cool thing.
When it comes to Reiki, it is a beautiful, spiritual healing art that promotes a magnificent flow of life energy and has many extraordinary benefits, such as:
• Reduces stress and promotes relaxation.
• Helps with attaining goals.
• Promotes clarity and grounding.
• Removes energy blocks on all levels (mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually).
• Raises intuition and boosts immune system.
• Balancing out the seven chakras.
• Goes with all forms of meditation.
When Reiki is performed, everyone has a unique experience in every session. It can be done by a certified Reiki practitioner (like myself) or be self-taught on yourself. Reiki can feel very light-to-the-touch, or having a very warm, tingling, cold, or vibrating sensation. Also, during a session, a Reiki practitioner can relax you enough where you can go to sleep fast and wake up as a new person. Reiki is incorporated in other services, like, massage, aromatherapy, hypnosis, and much more.
Using Reiki with Self-Hypnosis
What is so wonderful about Reiki is that you can incorporate it into self-hypnosis. There are a few simple ways. For example, you can create a new goal and use the step-by-step method that’s mentioned above with the intent to focus on your throat chakra, which deals with communication. The goal is to feel more confident in communicating your truths to others in conversations or speaking better in public for a presentation. Also, I would place your hands on your throat, where the chakra is located to promote healing energies from your hands.
Another example is to use Reiki symbols to raise your vibrations. You can learn these symbols by visualizing and saying them aloud into your self-hypnosis, such as:
- The power symbol, cho ku rei is used to increase or decrease power (depending on the direction in which it is drawn). Its’ intention is the light switch, representing its’ ability to illuminate or enlighten spiritually. Its’ identifying symbol is a coil that is believed is the regulator of qi, expanding and contracting as the energy flows throughout the body. Power comes in different forms with cho ku rei. It may be used as a catalyst for physical healing, cleansing, or purification. It may also be used to focus one's attention.
- The sei hei ki symbolizes harmony. Its’ intention is purification, and it is used for mental and emotional healing. The symbol resembles a wave washing across a beach or the wing of a bird in flight, and it is drawn with a sweeping gesture. It helps restore the body's spiritual equilibrium. It may also be used to help people recover from past physical or emotional trauma or to unblock creative energies.
- Hon sha ze sho nen is used when sending qi across long distances. Its’ intention is timelessness, and it is sometimes called pagoda for the tower-like appearance of the characters when written out. In treatments, the intention is used to bring people together across space and time. Hon sha ze sho nen can also transform itself into a key that will unlock the Akashic records, which is a source of all human consciousness. It is an essential to work on the inner-child or past-life issues.
Using Crystals with Self-Hypnosis
Finally, you can try combining crystals into your self-hypnosis, which can raise your vibrations, clear your energy blocks, and create a good energy grid for protection and ground your chakras. You can place the crystals around you in the room where you perform the self-hypnosis on yourself. You also can use an extensive guide on crystals called the Psychic Source Crystal Guide for Beginners which would be beneficial to learn what the crystals’ properties are and their functions.
Self-hypnosis is an excellent tool to use to help discover what we need to work on ourselves, especially as we learn to heal and connect more with our higher selves. It is all about positive transformation and not being afraid to take the first step.
Blessings with peace and light!

Hope has been guiding people with her healing modalities as an intuitive empath, psychic medium, reiki practitioner, empowerment life coach and much more. She inspires people in areas of improving love, career, business, spirituality, self-confidence, and over-coming fears. Hope is your compassionate listener and cheerleader. She has 25 years of legal and government experience. She has a diverse background working as a paralegal in different areas of law and earned a degree in Government and Public Policy. She has worked for law firms and state and federal governments. She also once enjoyed working as an event coordinator.