Feather Meanings: How Angels And The Universe Speak To Us by Psychic Arthur
Date 1/6/2025
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Signs from the Universe Angels
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops - at all.
– Emily Dickinson
Angels are here to help us and give us comfort. Angels send us many signs, from showing us numbers (like 11:11) to finding coins in the street (Pennies from Heaven) and by even sending us feathers. Yes, feathers! These signs and symbols are how Angels talk to us and let us know they're around. Getting a sign is a great way to gain spiritual confirmation and proof of their help and presence.
When we see feathers, our Angels are trying to get our attention, letting us know they're there. Sometimes feathers show up to make you feel better and let you know you're not alone.
The answers to questions you've been asking can also be found in feathers. It could be a hint or confirmation about a question you've requested, an answer or direction you've asked for, or a sign that you've been heard and are on the right path.
Obviously, Angel feathers aren't really from Angel wings. They are the feathers on birds' wings. But they have a lot of meaning. So, the first thing you need to know about finding feathers as a sign from the Angels is that they are little symbols of Angel wings and show how Angels can fly through higher dimensions.
How can the color of a feather tell us what it wants to say? Simple. Colors have frequency, and frequency has meaning. So, let's look at the meanings behind the various colors of feathers.

White Feathers
White feathers from your Angels are a sign of hope, trust, faith, and peace. While they are the most common, they remind us that we are connected to something greater than ourselves and that our Angels are always with us to offer protection, blessings, and wisdom. They are also a sign of spiritual enlightenment and symbolize fulfillment in life. White feathers bring a special energy to help us trust ourselves and the Universe. Finding white feathers offers us hope in times of distress and reminds us that we are never alone and that we should never lose faith in our journey.

Red Feathers
Red feathers from your Angels can signify good fortune and security in life. It can indicate that your material and spiritual desires will soon be fulfilled. It can also represent a new career path that will bring you stability and security. In addition, red feathers signify physical vitality and high energy levels. This could mean that you have the strength to take on any challenge that comes your way with ease and confidence. This could also mean you can make the most out of any opportunity and enjoy life more fully with greater joy and enthusiasm. Red feathers encourage us to be brave and take risks, even when it seems impossible. They also remind us of the importance of emotions in our lives and how they can help us make decisions that will lead us to success. By sending these red feathers, Angels remind us that we have the power within ourselves to make all our dreams come true.

Blue Feathers
Blue feathers are a reminder from your Angels that you are being heard and that they are with you on your journey. They come to remind us of the importance of communication and speaking our truth. The blue feather is associated with the throat chakra responsible for communication and self-expression. It encourages us to express ourselves clearly and confidently while reminding us to listen to others. Its calming energy helps us find clarity in difficult situations and reminds us that we can be heard if we speak up for ourselves. They can also remind us of the mental abilities, knowledge, and higher possibilities and accomplishments that can be achieved when we open up to our psychic awareness. By connecting with the spirits, we can tap into spiritual guidance and access the power of our intuition. Blue feathers remind us to stay open to the possibility of receiving divine messages from our Angels. They help us to keep faith in ourselves and our higher power.

Yellow Feathers
Yellow feathers from your Angels are a positive sign that can remind us to look on the sunny side of life and to remember our life-force energy. This signifies that your Angels are nearby and want to bring you joy and happiness. Yellow feathers can give us hope, strength, and comfort in times of difficulty. They symbolize the pleasure and cheerfulness of your Angel's blessings and can remind us of the courage and confidence we need to take on life's challenges. They are also a reminder to trust your inner wisdom and to be open to the messages from beyond. Your Angels are with you, protecting and guiding you through life's ups and downs – and a yellow feather basically means service with a smile!

Brown Feathers
Brown feathers from your Angels symbolize being grounded and closely connected to Earth energy and the root chakra. They remind us that we are all part of Mother Earth and her divine energy. When you find a brown feather, it's an uplifting experience, like a hug from the Universe, encouraging us to stay rooted in our purpose and find balance in life. Brown feathers represent grounding energy, which helps us stay centered and connected to our inner strength. This connection can help us manifest the desires of our hearts while also allowing us to remain humble and grounded in our everyday life. This message invites us to connect with the Earth's energy to access its healing power for ourselves and others.

Green Feathers
Green feathers from your Angels can be a powerful source of healing energy if we allow ourselves to receive it. They represent the healing energy of our heart chakra - the energy that connects us to our Angels and enables us to experience unity, compassion, forgiveness, and balance. It's an invitation to open our hearts and minds to find balance. Green feathers also remind us to create abundance by connecting with the natural world and allowing ourselves to tap into its energy for growth and success. They are also a sign from your Angels that they are with you, and they want to help you find balance in relationships, health, and healing and remind us that we all have the power within us to create positive energy in our lives.

Orange Feathers
Orange feathers from your Angels are a sign of the energy of the sacral chakra. This energy center is associated with sex, intimacy, physical relationships, love, romance, attraction, and appetite. To receive orange feathers from your Angels is a sign of them wanting to fire up your life and bring about change. It can be a reminder to take risks and experience new things. Receiving orange feathers can indicate your Angel's faith in you and their desire for you to live an exciting and fulfilling life. In addition, these feathers signify the creation of new ideas, spontaneity, independence, ambition, success, willpower, and creativity. They symbolize unlocking your potential and embracing all that life has to offer. Receiving an orange feather can signify that your Angels are trying to send you a message of encouragement and support on your journey toward achieving your goals.

Pink Feathers
Pink feathers remind us of the Angelic love and support we are surrounded by and the importance of self-love. They also represent romance, soulmates, twin-flame relationships, friendships, and to nurture friendships with those we care about. They remind us to be kind to ourselves and others, find comfort in difficult times, and connect with our inner peace through compassion, empathy, kindness, gentleness, and faithfulness. They can be a source of inspiration when we need it most. These moments of unconditional love and support from our Angels show that we are never alone and always loved.

Gray Feathers
Gray feathers from your Angels can be seen as a sign of hope and perseverance in times of difficulty. They remind us that we should never give up because problems will be solved, no matter how challenging the situation. Their message can teach us to stay calm and think clearly, even in the most stressful moments, to make wise decisions. If you've been asking a question or looking for a solution, the answer might not be black or white but gray, which could mean neither a clear "yes" nor a clear "no," but something in the middle or a mix of both. Gray feathers remind us that we all have the power to resolve our issues, mend bridges with others, and find peace within ourselves by staying neutral under challenging situations and being mindful of our actions. Gray feathers are also your Angels nudging you to choose peace over conflict and understanding over judgment. By taking the time to recognize what gray feathers from our Angels symbolize, we can find the strength to move forward with grace and understanding.

Purple Feathers
Purple feathers from your Angels have a deep spiritual meaning related to higher consciousness and spiritual growth. These feathers remind you how important it is to connect with the Universe and how powerful spiritual change can be. Purple feathers are also linked to the third-eye crown chakra, which oversees intuition and psychic abilities. Their message tell us to listen to our intuition and follow our inner guidance to help us deal with life's problems. These feathers also mean we are entering a time of deeper spiritual understanding and a call to spiritual action. They tell us to follow our spiritual path and look for new ways to grow. Purple feathers can also mean we need protection and want to eliminate bad energy or people. They are intended to provide comfort, strength, and guidance during difficult times. By understanding what our Angels are trying to tell us when they send us purple feathers, we can use our intuition and spiritual connection to find peace, clarity, and spiritual growth.

Black Feathers
Black feathers from your Angels are a sign to protect yourself from negative energy. They also remind us to take the necessary steps to stay grounded and focused, which allows us to manifest positive outcomes in all areas of life. By understanding the meaning behind black feathers from your Angels, you can use this as a message to open your awareness and gain insight into spiritual matters. Black feathers remind you to stand tall and strong, you need to stand firm, set strong boundaries, show your spiritual strength and armor, and have faith in yourself and know that your Angles are always there for protection.
So, when you spot a feather gracefully dance and sway towards you, please take it as a message to slow down and remember that you are protected. You are heard. You are not alone.
Stay Amazing,

Psychic Arthur has worked as a professional psychic for over 25 years, appearing on television and radio. In addition to his career as a psychic, he’s worked as a reporter/journalist, is an accomplished film and television composer, music producer, freelance writer, and author of the Psychic Source ebook: The Definitive Guide To Psychic Readings: 7 Steps To Get An Excellent Psychic Reading Every Time, exclusively available on Kindle. He holds a Bachelor of Music Education and is a certified Cognitive Hypnotherapist and NLP Facilitator. Arthur is a resident of Los Angeles, CA.