153 reviews since Sep 2020
Lacey was spot on and very much in tune with what you asked. Needed little information to go from and didn’t waste a second to respond. Very impressed with the level of professionalism. Will definitely return. Many sincere thank you’s Lacey
Heidi, it was so lovely to connect with you and so enjoyed our char reading. Thank you for being open and also allowing the energy to flow. It is always lovely to guide someone when they are open and ready. I have cleared the energy for you both. Much love and light. Look forward speaking with you soon.
Thank you Lacey! I appreciated your insight and guidance..xo
Was so lovely to connect today my dear. Many blessings to you , looking forward in connecting again. Much love and light x
Thank you for you advice! Always!
Thank you my lovely so lovely to connect again, please send me the information I will guide you on. Always happy to help and guide you my dear friend. Time to shine x
Super accurate! Spot on.
Hallo my lovely, thank you for your feedback, you are amazing, trust your gut, you know the truth. Lovely to guide you today, I am here for you x
Great reading. Everything she said made a lot of sense. Thank you!
Thank you my lovely = was a blessing to connect today x