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Psychic Athena x6025

Psychic Athena x6025

Divine Guide, Empathic Intuitive


I'm away

Mini Reading

  • Total Readings
  • 237 since December 2023
  • Specialties: Intuitive/Empath, Energy Healing, Clairaudient, Clairsentient
  • Tools: Angel Cards, Numerology, Tarot, Reiki/Healing, Crystals
  • Reading Style: Expressive

Customer Endorsements Beta

  • Career & Finances - 4
  • Life, Destiny & Meaning - 4
  • Loss & Grieving - 2
  • Love, Relationships & Family - 6

More About Athena

Years of Experience: 6

Hello, dear souls,

I am Athena, a guide on this wondrous journey of life. For five blessed years, I've walked the path of a psychic, weaving together the threads of clairaudience, clairsentience, and the healing arts to offer you a beacon of support and wisdom.

My toolbox is diverse, filled with angel cards, crystals, numerology, and the transformative power of Reiki. Yet, beyond these tools, my true gift lies in channeling divine guidance, in being a vessel for the universe to speak through, guiding you toward your highest expansion.

Why do I do what I do? It's simple - my heart finds joy in uplifting souls, in witnessing those 'aha' moments when clarity descends upon my clients. To share a perspective that sees beyond, with compassion and objectivity, always aiming for the highest good, is a privilege I cherish.

What can you expect from a reading with me? Complete acceptance - seen, heard, and understood without judgment. You'll receive the wisdom most pertinent to your present journey, tailored to support your grounding in the highest timeline.

Describing my personality as loving, ambitious, creative, compassionate, and wise mirrors my essence. My reading style echoes these traits - loving, supportive, and uniquely crafted for you.

But what truly sets me apart is my unwavering commitment to the collective. Every action I take, every insight I share, is steeped in consideration of its impact on Earth and all beings. I work in collaboration with Goddesses, ascended masters, and spiritual teachers, aspiring to leave a legacy woven with the threads of harmonious unity and boundless love.

For those who seek my guidance, know this: I believe in the language of energy, in its resonance and power. My reputation for radiating loving, compassionate, and high-vibrational energy is a testament to my devotion to people, animals, and every living essence on our beloved Mother Earth.

Come, let us embark on this sacred journey together. Let my compassionate guidance illuminate your path and help you unfold the beautiful tapestry of your life.

With boundless love and unwavering support, Athena

Words of Wisdom

"Divine Guidance Paired With Inspired Action Creates A Life Filled With Our Hearts True Desires."

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8 reviews since Dec 2023

jjcox63 4/20/2024 stars Chat Reading

Athena was very helpful that I felt our minds linked together in Love and Harmony

Jake08 2/18/2024 stars Chat Reading

loved it. accidently hit end chat and wanted to to chat longer ??

DianaLove 2/4/2024 stars Chat Reading

Athena gave me quick and concise advise. Highly recommend.

Lila1986 2/3/2024 stars Chat Reading

Thank you! Truly amazing :)

Lari444 1/18/2024 stars Phone Reading

Athena is so loving and kind offered great advice

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