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How to Communicate with Angels Everyday by Psychic Izzy

Date 6/14/2024
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Powerful Michael oversees all angels and archangels.

Powerful Michael oversees all angels and archangels.

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I communicate with my angels every day, many times throughout the day!  

You have probably heard of Guardian Angels and Archangels, but do you know the difference?  Each of us has at least one Guardian Angel (and some have more). Guardian Angels are our own personal angels. One key point that is often missed, is that these Angels honor our free will. Bottom line, they will not step into our lives and intervene without our permission! Did you catch that? All we have to do is ask, pray, set an intention, using whatever works for each of us. I ask for guidance and protection every day, and that increases my comfort and peace plus reduces my stress.

On the other hand, the Archangels are more powerful and have an intense essence because they are over all the other Angels. And they serve all people. However, do not think you are unworthy of their attention or your needs are not as important as others. These amazing creations can be in multiple places at the same time. 

Below are just a few of the most well-known Archangels:

Michael, blue light, oversees all angels and archangels. He protects on the physical and spiritual realms and is excellent at removing negativity and strengthening peace and harmony in the world and he encourages us to passionately put our faith in God. 

Jophiel, yellow light, is the angel of beautiful thoughts and illumination so you can become an even richer soul. He can help you learn information as you study or request wisdom.

Chamuel, pink light, is the angel of spiritual love and peace. He helps resolve relationship challenges and forgives people. He is also known for helping you find a great job and lost objects. 

Gabriel, white light, is the angel of communication. He helps with writing and speaking as well as raising and nurturing children. No matter your age, Gabriel helps you exchange information with grace, ease and professionalism. 

Raphael, green light, is the angel of healing and prosperity. In additional to healing people of disease, physical, emotional, mental or spiritual wounds, and recovery from addictions, he also works with healing animals and the Earth. Raphael is associated with joy, laughter, and protection while traveling. 

Uriel, red light, is the angel of wisdom. When you are seeking a peaceful resolution with another or within yourself, seek Uriel. He’s also great to have around when you are making an important decision (i.e., seeing spiritual insights), letting go of anxiety or anger or just trying to remove yourself from a dangerous situation. 

Zadkiel, purple light, is the angel of mercy, transformation and forgiveness. He treats emotional wounds by comforting others and healing painful memories. And he will bring joy back into your life if you simply ask.

I also use Angel cards for myself and others. One of my favorite Angel Oracle Decks is “Messages from Your Angels” by Doreen Virtue/Hay House. These are easy to use with clear messages. Whether you are a pro with Oracle cards or are brand new, Angel Cards are a great place to start. And every card that pops up for you came up for an important reason. Pause and reflect on these messages. I start everyday thankful, grounded and connected to love and light. In that mindset, I find it easy to communicate with my angels. You will be very pleased with the results once you open your heart, trust and jump right in. 

Some people just do this as part of their regular prayer or meditation. Find your personal method, do not compare yourself to others. Every day, tune into the true “you” and just ask the angels for help.

Enjoy the journey…

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