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Customer dsox1230 Ratings & Reviews

10 Reviews

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customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Atlas x6037 stars Phone Reading

Atlas was extremely kind-hearted and gave me clarity on my situation. She knew my situation without me telling her. I am impressed and highly recommend her.


Psychic Loretta x6030 stars Phone Reading

Loretta, is genuine and loving, wise and insightful. We had an amazing connection, and her accuracy was impressive. She doesn’t waste your time and gets straight to the point. She tuned into my energy and picked up things she should not have known. She is so very caring, sweet, and understanding. I felt like I was speaking with one of my closest friends. I am very impressed with Loretta. I highly recommend Loretta.


Psychic Cheyenne x7505 stars Phone Reading

Fantastic reading with Cheyenne. She impressed me as her prediction during my reading came true the next day. She was compassionate, wise, and accurate! I highly recommend Cheyenne. Dave


Psychic Kalina x4984 stars Phone Reading

Kalina was amazing and got things correct that she should not have known. She is very caring and understanding of my situation. She does not waste your time and gets right to the point. Kalina, Thank you for the great reading.


Psychic Salem x4774 stars Phone Reading

We had an amazing connection, and her accuracy was impressive. She is so very caring, sweet, and understanding. I felt like I was speaking with one of my closest friends. I highly recommend Salem.


Psychic Amora x4762 stars Phone Reading

Amora is genuine and loving, wise and insightful. We had an amazing connection, and her accuracy was impressive. She doesn’t waste your time and gets straight to the point. She did not try to drag on the conversation when she picked up on something. She tuned into my energy and picked up things she should not have known. She is so very caring, sweet, and understanding. I felt like I was speaking with one of my closest friends. She provides excellent personal advice. I am very impressed with Amora. I highly recommend Amora.


Psychic Amora x4762 stars Phone Reading

Amora is amazing! She connected to my energy right away. She makes you feel like she is someone you've known forever. She is so very caring, sweet, and understanding. She provides excellent personal advice. She does not waste time and is very precise. I felt I was speaking with one of my closest friends. I highly recommend Amora.


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Salem x4774 stars Phone Reading

Salem is amazing! She connected to my energy right away. She immediately brought up something in my life that she should not have known. I am very impressed with her. She makes you feel like she is someone you've known forever. She is so very caring, sweet, and understanding. She provides excellent personal advice. I highly recommend Salem.


Psychic Hope x3496 stars Phone Reading

Hope is amazing! She makes you feel like she is someone you've known forever. Hope is so very caring and understanding. She provides excellent personal advice. I highly recommend Hope.


Psychic Hope x3496 stars Phone Reading

I had a wonderful reading from Hope. We really connected. Her words, insight, and kindness are greatly appreciated. She was very on point and very caring towards me. I highly recommend her.