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Customer Robin333 Ratings & Reviews

4 Reviews

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Psychic Sapphire x3149 stars Phone Reading

Sapphire thank you for the wonderful reading. I ran out of time before I could say thank you. I’m so happy I told you more so about my situation because what you added with the little information I provided was very reassuring and the perspective that I needed to hear to navigate moving forward. You answered my questions and addressed my concerns without me even having to ask directly. Thank you so much!


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Vontessa x3623 stars Phone Reading

Vontessa is warm and reads with accuracy. I had a reading in October about my significant other. At the time we were not officially in a relationship and she confirmed everything I was feeling about where we were headed and how he saw us moving forward. She is very good and picking up on the emotions of others and their intentions and he later confirmed the feelings she was describing. I had another reading with Vontessa after we received some unexpected news. There are a lot of unknowns and her reading made me feel at ease about working through it. I deeply appreciate your insight and advice!


Psychic Sibyl x4954 stars Phone Reading

Sibyl always helps me sort through my fears and overthinking. She continues to see this situation very clearly. She relays all of what’s happening, beyond what I know, and it has been accurate. Her guidance helps me to trust the process, my own intuition, and to have view the bigger picture so I can make the best decisions moving forward. Thank you so much!


Psychic Dorian x4876 stars Phone Reading

Dorian is my regular check in for all things love. His gifts, including guidance from my guides, have been extremely helpful and grounding for me as a navigate my decisions. He’s accurate and compassionate and picks up on things quickly. Thank you for supporting me in this process!