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Customer ARose92 Ratings & Reviews

12 Reviews

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customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Lexi x8036 stars Phone Reading

I’ve been reading with her for since last year and all she has predicted with my POC has panned out. Thank you Lexi for your support & guidance x


Psychic Cielo x3534 stars Phone Reading

Cielo everything you mention is so spot on & pans out. Thanks again xx.


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Raina x3342 stars Phone Reading

I was told Poi will contact in November to reconcile. He contacted and said he is not interested in a relationship and I should move on.


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Declan x3301 stars Phone Reading

I was told POI will contact me to reconcile. The date passed and my POI contacted me and told me to move on. Nothing came to pass as predicted.


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Sapphire x3149 stars Phone Reading

Timelines of reconciliation didn’t come to pass.


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Seraphina x9023 stars Chat Reading

Have had readings for 3 months now. None of the predictions panned out or came to pass. Poi is not interested in a relationship and has moved on.


Psychic Kimberle x8608 stars Chat Reading

Prediction never happened. POI did not contact. Nor has there been reconciliation he has moved on.


Psychic Christopher x3373 stars Phone Reading

Prediction did not happen. POI did not contact nor do they want to reconcile.


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Kallie x3478 stars Phone Reading

Predictions she said didn’t make sense. POI didn’t contact or invite to a party like she said.


Psychic Alida x8101 stars Phone Reading

Nothing predicted panned out.