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13 Reviews

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customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Raquel x9488 stars Phone Reading

I only had 5 minutes to speak with Raquel but she works super fast and was able to answer my two questions with detail. Predictions are a few months out but her timing makes perfect sense with currently events already happening in my life.


Psychic Bella Skye x8262 stars Phone Reading

I called her right after my husband and I got into an argument and almost word for word she was reciting what was said between us back to me. She pointed out my faults; what I said and how it hurt him. She coached me how to feel and mend through it.


Psychic Robbin x9341 stars Phone Reading

You were right “Wee hours of the morning”. He did come back home.


Psychic Carla x7682 stars Chat Reading

Predictions weren’t correct. Worked in my favor but didn’t happen as she saw.


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Kristine x8223 stars Phone Reading

Kind of sad and not sure what to think now. Has always been my go to and has been pretty dead on but reading just recently changed from us being happy to only somewhat... kind of discouraged now.


Psychic Sadia x8659 stars Phone Reading

She’s sweet :) I only had 5 minutes and she worked fast to answer my one question along with an explanation. She even sent a follow up note confirming what she said. there are no predictions I’m waiting for but her giving me comfort with how he feels about me still.


Psychic Serenity x9213 stars Chat Reading

You were right! I passed without any troubles :)


Psychic Kristine x8223 stars Phone Reading

You said I was going to pass that exam and I nailed it! Now to see if everything else turns out :)


Psychic Kristine x8223 stars Phone Reading

She’s my go to. Timelines haven’t always been a 100% but end result is it happened. She said my marriage would recover and be stronger, it is, said I would get the promotion but there would be a delay, I got it, said a deployment was coming but I would have a choice to stay or go, exactly that!


Psychic Renee Marie x8632 stars Chat Reading

Time lines have been on point :)