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Psychic Pandora x4908

Psychic Pandora x4908

Intuitive Empath

I'm away

Mini reading

  • Total Readings
  • 12,304 since August 2022
  • Specialties: Energy Healing, Intuitive/Empath, Love Psychic, Clairsentient, Clairaudient
  • Tools: Can Read Without Tools, Tarot, Reiki/Healing, Angel Cards, Crystals
  • Reading Style: Direct

Customer Endorsements Beta

  • Career & Finances - 171
  • Life, Destiny & Meaning - 146
  • Loss & Grieving - 93
  • Love, Relationships & Family - 235

More About Pandora

Years of Experience: 10

Hello, my name is Pandora. I have been working as a psychic for 10 years, specializing in uplifting, supporting, and empowering my clients. I have a wide range of abilities, including Energy Medicine, Psychic Surgery, Intuitive/Empathy skills, Career Psychic, Clair-sentient, Clairaudient, Clairvoyant, Clair-empathy, Cartomancy, Telepathy, Animal Communication/Behavior Consulting, and Medium/Channeling.

I am proficient in various tools, such as Tarot, Oracle Cards, Crystals, Runes/Casting, Reiki/Energy Healing, and Angel Readings. However, I am also able to provide readings without any tools, relying solely on my intuitive abilities and gifts.

As an advisor, my purpose is to connect with the collective consciousness and help individuals find meaning and connection in their current situations. My goal is to empower them. I strive to return their personal power and facilitate positive changes in their inner psyche, resulting in effortless transformations in their outer reality.

During a reading with me, clients can expect to gain clarity, perspective, accuracy, and the restoration of their personal power. I approach my work with an uplifting, positive, and truthful demeanor while maintaining a playful and innocent openness. My reading style is direct, solution-oriented, and conversational. Working with me, clients can expect a professional and nurturing environment where they are supported in their personal growth and empowered to create positive change.

What sets me apart is my belief that mindset is everything, and I utilize breath-work as a powerful tool for connection and transformation. Additionally, I have personally experienced breaking free from limiting and painful cycles, which fuels my passion for facilitating growth and healing in others. My aim is to assist individuals in breaking free from karmic cycles and achieving their true potential.

Thank you for considering me as your advisor, and I look forward to assisting you on your journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Words of Wisdom

We only have a now moment, a chance to adjust our perspective, and create a new.