Hi, my name is Dylan. I have been reading tarot professionally for over 3 years now and am a lifelong lover of all spiritual/esoteric things. I believe, simply put, that the individual has all the power they need to be successful in all areas of their life. I also believe that we are able to help make this world a better place, both unconsciously, and consciously, after we recognize the light within.
Tarot has always been in my life since I can remember, from the days of working in an office as a traditional nine to five-r, to now the days of professionally tuning into the stars and cards, the energies. I am here for you first and foremost. I want you to be (know you are) happy, healthy, whole and complete, and are capable of - great things!
I much prefer deeper connections but am also a sucker for love and romance, and not too bad at "the journey". Here I can help you through most of your concerns, however big or small.
Feel free and comfortable to reach out, For the most part, I'm always an extension away. Best, Dylan x4675
The thoughts you choose set the course, your heart sails you there - open up that sail baby!
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