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December Astrology Forecast and Love Tips For Every Zodiac Sign

Date 4/22/2024
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Welcome to December; prepare for an intense and exciting cycle packed with surprises and challenges. For some of you, December is the kick you need to get your motivation going to complete personal projects and overcome stagnation. And for others, December may feel like an unwelcome tornado that forces you to rearrange your life even though you are pretty content.  

We have a few aspects that invoke deep emotional reflections, such as Venus in Scorpio, which help us admit how we feel about significant areas in our lives. Then there is Mars, and Mercury in Sagittarius, allowing those of us who are usually shy and reluctant to face conflict.  Our newfound bravery and attitudes may unnerve those around us who seldom see our warrior nature, so be prepared to annoy those who have controlled us in the past.

Think of December like an intense Thai massage that pulls and tugs, which may initially feel uncomfortable, but once it's done, you will feel marvelous. 

Zodiac Signs Night Sky

December 2023 Monthly Astrological Forecast

December begins with Sun in Sagittarius (November 22 through December 21), as well as Mercury and Mars.  We will be compelled to speak our truth and share opinions that may upset those living in a state of cognitive dissonance. In other words, we may face challenges with those in our lives who dislike hearing the truth. On the other hand, you will also expose your true nature and break away from things that have kept you stuck and confined, such as an unfulfilling job, relationship, or personal life status.

The Sun enters Capricorn on December 22, through January 19. Capricorn is the high achiever and the unstoppable drive that propels you into the next level or new path towards personal achievements. While Sagittarius frees you from restrictions, Sun in Capricorn allows you to go after what you once thought impossible. Relationships will be a hit or miss since you only want a co-pilot rather than someone who holds you back or requires all your attention. 

Love Tips Planets

Love Aspects as Influenced by the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Sun Signs Transits

Full Cold Moon in Cancer – (December 27, 2023) 

The Moon in Cancer emphasizes our emotional connections with others, making us more empathic, vulnerable, and sometimes moody. It is an excellent time to focus on connecting with supportive loved ones rather than draining because you will pick up energy from others.  

Moon Ritual - Use a white candle and a clear stone if you have one. Use the energy to create the drive needed to move forward in your life. Focus on facing emotional roadblocks and how they keep you from moving forward.

Mercury Direct in Sagittarius (December 2 - December 12) 

Mercury in Sagittarius is witty, charming, and sociable. There is a strong tendency to socialize and enjoy activities with friends and family. Your focus could be better since you find yourself diving into various projects and activities due to the energy surge of Mercury in Sagittarius. Though you may find this period scattered, you won’t mind so much since the energy is fun and exciting. Though this period is entertaining, and the tendency is to enjoy things, do plan a bit before the retrograde arrives.

Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius (December 13, 2023 – January 2, 2024)

This is the last retrograde of the year, which will create the typical mercurial glitches in communication, transportation, and negotiations.  Since the Mercury is just before the busy holiday season, it is advisable to make most of your plans in advance and keep things as simple as possible.  Mercury in Sagittarius is not the most organized or focused, which can be challenged during a retrograde since items become naturally glitchy.  You may find yourself feeling impatient and quickly announced by the incompetence of others, but ironically, even more so with yourself. Once again, plan as best as possible but keep things simple.

At this time, while Mercury is in Retrograde in Sagittarius, embrace the chaos and avoid focusing on delays or missed deadlines.  Instead of worrying and being frantic about glitches and hiccups in your schedule, embrace the free spirit of Sagittarius and allow yourself to go with the flow.  

Venus in Libra (December 1 - December 5)

While Venus is in Libra, you allow yourself to express your need for company and enjoy a healthy dose of socializing and flirting.  You find a need to attend more social gatherings and be in the company of fun and friendly people.  It is a fun cycle to enjoy romance, whether single or involved.  Don’t be surprised if you make the first move on a romantic love interest, or at least consider the idea.

Venus in Scorpio (December 6 – December 30)

Venus intensifies in the sign of Scorpio, making it romantic, passionate, and possessive of those they love. The intensity of Venus in Scorpio can make free spirit partners feel overwhelmed and smothered, creating a strong need for space.  Unfortunately, a partner’s need for personal space may be viewed as rejection, potentially igniting jealousy and insecurity. Communicating and expressing individual needs during this period is vital to avoid misunderstandings.

Mars in Sagittarius (December 1 - December 31)

As Mars enters Sagittarius, you will crave more personal space, especially after the intensity experienced during Mars in Scorpio.  However, you will be inclined to spend equal time between socializing and doing things you enjoy alone. Your sexual drive during this period is reasonably high and quite experimental. This cycle will be enjoyable on various levels. The focus will be on enjoying life to the fullest and not getting stuck on details or things you don’t consider necessary.  There is a tendency to say what you are thinking without filters which can create conflicts and challenges with sensitive types. Mars in Sagittarius is strong-minded, determined, and does not allow others to impose their values upon them.

For all things astrology, check out our Psychic Source Astrology Guide. Learn even more about the planets and how they impact your life.

Snow heart mittens

Love Tips for Every Zodiac Sign – December 2023

Each month brings us an opportunity to improve or enjoy elements in our personal lives and love connection. Let us review each sign and see what lies ahead.


Aries (March 21 – April 20)

December arrives with a few surprises bought on by the transits of Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Sagittarius. You find yourself enjoying spontaneous social invitations and last-minute adventures. Mercury will be retrograde after December 13, affecting your communication and ability to express things calmly, which can impact your relationships and place of work.  

Best days:  December 2, 12, 16, 20, 21, 25, 29


Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

The erratic changes brought on by Sun, Mercury, and Mars transits in Sagittarius can be annoying and frustrating for the Taurus, who prefers order and stability. However, on the positive side, the transits bring forth the right incentive to improve situations that have been stuck and unfulfilling.  In the area of romance, things become more exciting and passionate. Your relationship gets the revival it needs as you break from stale routines.  

Best days: December 1, 4, 14, 18, 22, 24, 27


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

The opposition aspects of Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Sagittarius to Gemini can stress your relationships due to communication glitches and personal views, especially during the retrograde cycle. This month can be challenging for those involved in relationships or those trying to make significant life changes. Take this month to focus on personal needs, pamper yourself and avoid making major life decisions

Best days: December 2, 7, 16, 20, 25, 26, 29


Cancer (June 21 – July 21)

At the beginning of December, with Venus in Scorpio, you will connect deeply to your emotional side. However, though you may be in touch with your emotions deeply, you will struggle to express things clearly to others since Mercury is going retrograde in Sagittarius. There will be periods of feeling isolated from others due to communication gaps and emotional flare-ups throughout the month.  Your relationships with others can be challenging since you may only sometimes find ways to communicate clearly, which can create unnecessary stressors.  Focus on yourself to reflect and regroup during this period without making significant changes. 

Best days: December 1, 4, 9, 18, 22, 27, 28


Leo (July 22 – August 21)

The Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Sagittarius create a trine to Leo, making December a great month for relationships and career enhancements.  Though Mercury will be retrograde during this period, you can use the retrograde to review things and revise essential areas of your life.  You will feel revived by the aspects of Mars in Sagittarius, giving you the energy needed to get things completed that have been on standby.  Enjoy the month of December as much as possible since the transits of Sagittarius will continue to provide positive results for you; However, do avoid signing contracts at this time since things change once Mercury goes direct.

Best days: December 2, 3, 7, 12, 20, 25, 29, 30


Virgo (August 22 – September 21)

In December, while Venus is in Scorpio, take the time to revive what matters in your life and impacts your emotional well-being. Meantime, use the energy of the Sun and Mars in Sagittarius to energy needed to enjoy yourself as the busy holiday season approaches. Though the aspects in December are beneficial, Mercury retrograde can make you feel unfocused and uncentered. However, your relationships will get the romantic attention they deserve since you will feel an extra surge of energy bought on by Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Sagittarius.  

Best days: December 1, 4, 5, 9, 14, 22, 27


Libra (September 22 – October 21)

Venus in Scorpio can impact your ability to remain balanced and emotionally steady as it fosters overthinking while stirring up self-doubt. The combination of Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Sagittarius enhances your energy, allowing you to overcome emotional setbacks, even when bouts of doubts and tendencies to overanalyze things occur.  Your romantic or platonic relationships will reflect your fluctuating states, sometimes creating confusion and annoyance by your unsteadiness. 

Best days: December 2, 7, 8, 12, 16, 25, 29 


Scorpio (October 22 – November 21)

Your energy levels continue to soar in December but are less well contained than in November. Mars and Mercury are in Sagittarius, making your layback nature charged with wit and impatience, sometimes making you a bit combative. It is an excellent month to focus on your spiritual goals and recharge your batteries to regain your calm and collective nature, which means keeping your social schedule light and minimal.  Don’t be surprised if you get into conflict with those close to you due to misunderstanding your need for alone time, so let others know you are just recharging and not avoiding them. 

Best days: December 1, 4, 9, 10, 14, 18, 27 


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

December is a supercharged month for you; with the Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Sagittarius, you feel unstoppable and ready to take off in all areas of your life.  Your schedule may be overwhelming and overbooked, making you a bit scattered.  Your relationships may suffer from your lack of prioritizing and busy schedule, so be mindful of your loved ones. Also, keep yourself flexible since Mercury will be retrograde, delaying many of your plans

Best days: December 2, 7, 12, 13, 16, 20, 29


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Venus in Scorpio deepens your intimate connections and enhances your romantic drive. Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Sagittarius give you the drive to achieve many of your goals, even while Mercury goes into Retrograde. During December, you are unstoppable and capable of achieving anything you set your mind on.   

Best days: December 4, 9, 14, 15, 18, 22 


Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Sun, Mars, and Mercury in Sagittarius bring you many opportunities, romantically and professionally.  You may be swept into a whirlwind of activities that exhaust your reserves.  Pace yourself and enjoy the brief moments of solitude whenever possible since you will be in high demand. Whatever you do, take your time making decisions while Mercury is in retrograde since things may not be evident during this period.

Best days: December 7, 12, 16, 17, 20, 25 


Pisces (February 19 – March 21)

Sun Mercury and Mars in Sagittarius bring a need to disconnect yourself from individuals who create stress and demands in your life. You want to explore, travel, and be free to explore your inner desires. During the Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, you may find yourself not being so cooperative and more forceful than usual, so make sure to take care of yourself to avoid conflict created by moodiness bought on by stress.

Best days: December 1, 9, 14, 18, 19, 22, 27


Monthly Love Tips Provided by Psychic Minerva

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About the Author
Minerva is a skilled Psychic, Tarot reader, Intuitive Coach, Interfaith Minister, and Reiki Master with a Degree in Psychology. She has more than 35 years of working as an intuitive coach and a psychic reader. Minerva, a Native New Yorker who enjoyed a career as a therapist and metaphysical teacher for over 30, has retired and is now devoted to doing psychic readings and writing. Minerva’s intuitive skills and experience as a therapist provide her with a solid background for exploring various heart and soul topics with compassion and deep understanding.

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