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Customer kittycat12 Ratings & Reviews

120 Reviews

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Psychic Marlaina x3430 stars Phone Reading

She was right! POI out of town for a few days on a vacation. Did contact within a couple days of return.


Psychic Marlaina x3430 stars Phone Reading

The last 5 weeks contact date spot on and yes, I found out that you are correct! He did start a different job with different hours!


Psychic Louisa x7324 stars Phone Reading

Her last time frame was spot on, always is!!!


Psychic Louisa x7324 stars Phone Reading

Yep, Louisa said within 5 days and it was day 3. Contact. She nailed it.


Psychic Marlaina x3430 stars Phone Reading

Said 1 to 3 contacts in 7 to 10 days, there was 2 in 7 days and also one on 11th day. Always nails time frames. Has called my situations and outcomes many times


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Louisa x7324 stars Phone Reading

has been correct in her time frames and outcomes of situations. see how this next one plays out, suspecting shes spot on again!


Psychic Marlaina x3430 stars Phone Reading

Her last 3 time frames were spot on. Prediction on frequency came to pass.


Psychic Marlaina x3430 stars Phone Reading

I have got to say I am blown away as usual marlaina comes through with flying colors she said exactly what I was trying to say and I couldn't find the right words for it boring not attracted submissive Inexperienced lack of interest loosing any interest at all pegged things I thought from the very beginning. Also things I suspected and have been suspecting!


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Marlaina x3430 stars Phone Reading

Days for contact came to fruition question about friend getting her house came to fruition. She has been consistently correct.


Psychic Marlaina x3430 stars Phone Reading

yep, yet again time frame spot on!