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7 Reviews

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customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Primrose x4866 stars Phone Reading

Picked up something was going on with POI and a maternal figure. It was confirmed his stepmom passed away.


Psychic Louisa x7324 stars Phone Reading

Seems honest.


Psychic Marlaina x3430 stars Phone Reading

Super nice lady. Will have to wait and see


Psychic Bonnie x7982 stars Phone Reading

Takes time to connect which would be fine if she was consistent and accurate. Second reading was completely different than the first. First reading she saw us getting back together and a heart to heart conversation (which hasnt happened) and POI progressing towards a commitment. Now there's no improvement and POI will continue to be back and forth.


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic June x3606 stars Phone Reading

Had my first reading with her today. Will update when prediction time has passed. However, she definitely has a gift. Picked up that poi wants to start new, he just moved to a new apartment. She feels he wants to start fresh with me so we will see. Also picked up "buying groceries" which is something my poi would randomly do for me here and there. He would offer to buy me creamer etc. Lastly she said he wants stability with me. That she kept hearing stability from her team. I did tell my POI "stability" is the most important thing for me. That was the word I have used repeatedly with him. She feels he will return in 4 (4 days, 4 weeks, 4 months, 4th). If that happens I will be back to update.


Psychic Merlina x3189 stars Phone Reading

Very nice reader. Has gotten small details correct. Tends to flip flop in readings and usually gives overall negative outcomes based on what information she is provided. For example said POI would be caught doing illegal things. Turned out POI went to a strip club with friends. Not really illegal but probably not a great place for a guy you're trying to be in a relationship with to hang out. Another PS user recommended this reader to me. Definitely more for entertainment than actual advice unfortunately.


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Christopher x3373 stars Phone Reading

He definitely picked up POI in the present moment. Feels he will be back by summer solstice timing. I will return to update if POI returns within given time frame. Thank you for your help!