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Customer Justbehonest Ratings & Reviews

207 Reviews

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customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Jenna x3604 stars Chat Reading

Jenna, you are very unique with your gifts, personality traits, and kindness here on PS. I’m not even close to where I would want to be with the gentleman I txt you about, but not blowing smoke up my !!!! speaks volumes to me as a customer. Wish others would do the same. Thank you tons


Psychic Jenna x3604 stars Chat Reading

Jenna, thank you for always keeping it real. Tons of info as usual in small amount of minutes. I know you are invested and a very caring individual.


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Kristine x8223 stars Phone Reading

Completely off from what is happening in real time. Not accurate on lack of action, behaviors, and communication from POI.


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Carly x3151 stars Phone Reading

Carly, thank you very much for reading for me, I would of loved a reply back like everyone else after their review posted. I can only be honest when we speak / txt. I know with absolute certainty this weekend will come and go and my gut will be correct unfortunately. I hope me telling you how I feel when we read together doesn’t affect how you feel. I understand you repeat the same words to me over and over, and are confident, but I have also tried to explain the situation with my POI. Ty


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Jenna x3604 stars Chat Reading

Jenna, seriously you are the kindest, honest, and so professional advisor. You make my dark moments much easier to move past. Tons of info in a short period of time too. No one else comes close. Thank you tons


Psychic Carly x3151 stars Chat Reading

Carly, very patient and sweet. I read with you and 1 other advisor. You see the opposite and keep my hopes up. Movement is supposed to happen by end of this month, keeping fingers crossed. Thank you


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Jenna x3604 stars Chat Reading

Jenna, thank you as always for keeping my readings direct and honest. So much info is giving in just a few mins, crazy fast at reading chats & answering every question thoroughly. I do try other advisers from time to time just to compare another angle, never any good lol. You are #1 on PS


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Jimmy x8346 stars Phone Reading

Completely off and knew it, so made up as went along to cover up


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Jenna x3604 stars Chat Reading

Thank you tons Jenna, you are spot in with my situation and the feelings/ reasoning behind my POI. You are how I get through these challenging times. You have renewed my mistrust in PS.


Psychic Jenna x3604 stars Chat Reading

Thank you as always… as I navigate through, most of the time feeling like I can’t see correctly, until we chat. The gifts you have are so appreciated.