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Customer alicat25 Ratings & Reviews

164 Reviews

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Psychic Carly x3151 stars Chat Reading

I only had a few minutes. She was quick and specific. Thank you carly


Psychic Angela x9978 stars Chat Reading

Very quick to answer encouraging. You gave me hope


Psychic Crystal x8074 stars Phone Reading

She helped me years ago. So glad she’s still here. Love her


Psychic June x3606 stars Phone Reading

Very accurate. Thank you!


Psychic Kalina x4984 stars Phone Reading

Quick to answer my questions. I liked het


Psychic Juliette x9440 stars Chat Reading

Always sees what’s happening and how I should handle it


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Roxanne x3051 stars Chat Reading

So detailed and correct. Thanks


Psychic Selene x8938 stars Phone Reading

Very quick responses made me feel more hopeful he’s a strange poi to follow.


Psychic Tatiana x4855 stars Phone Reading

Very very detailed to my questions. Some things surprised me, but after thinking about it, I thinks right.


Psychic Leah x4886 stars Phone Reading

First time talking to her. She was able to clarify our relationship and prepare me for what’s ahead.