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Customer Jadebrasi Ratings & Reviews

33 Reviews

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Psychic Zorah x4921 stars Phone Reading

I spoke to almost every single spiritual advisor on this site. Zorah was my first one and the most accurate of all last year. I never got her out of my mind and after months of not coming back here I gave her a call. Zorah has a true gift and she explains every single little thing. Thank you so much you are the only reason I come on here. You always give me so much clarity.


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Christopher x3373 stars Phone Reading

Chris is my go to advisor. for ever and ever. thank you brother


Psychic Venus x8854 stars Phone Reading

thank you for sharing your gift. Venus truly has sight to the unknown.


Psychic Gaia x3559 stars Phone Reading

what a sweet and beautiful soul. thank you for your time and for praying for me.


Psychic Alexandria x4925 stars Phone Reading

extremely professional. she explains herself thoroughly every step of the way. she truly cares about each of her clients. thank you


Psychic Keanu x3600 stars Phone Reading

on point. knows what he is talking about. very empathic and caring. thank you for including me in your prayers. it was truly a blessing talking to you.


Psychic Irena x8086 stars Phone Reading

Irena !!! Wow. Thank you so much. You truly hit it off since the beginning of this phone call!! Thank you so much. It was truly a blessing and worth every penny


Psychic Zachary x3345 stars Phone Reading

WOW!!!! Without saying anything… Zachary uses his words wisely and he makes sure to let you know. I gave him minimal information and he told me what kind of relationship I was in. He mentioned the Scorpio sign… without asking… and that is my husbands sign. AMAZING!!!!!!


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Vincent x9248 stars Phone Reading

I love when psychics already know what your talking about even before you tell them anything. Thank you so much Vincent.


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Christopher x3373 stars Phone Reading

CALL CHRIS!!!!! out of all the advisors on here he provides the most information without question. he is the best. thank you for your clarity. it literally feels like he's known me all my life. thank you so much for remembering me.