John | Tu Psíquico
Psíquico John x8318

John x8318

El cambio es inevitable


No estoy

  • Total de Lecturas
  • 34,150 desde mayo 2011
  • Especialidad: Médium, Amor, Intuitivo / Empático
  • Instrumentos: Astrolog?a, Cartomancia, Tarot
  • Estilo de lectura: Reflexivo

Recomendaciones del cliente Beta

  • Amor, relaciones y familia - 2013
  • Carrera y finanzas - 1184
  • Pérdida y duelo - 702
  • Vida, destino y significado - 857

Más sobre John

Años de experiencia: 34

Saludos, soy John, un lector profundamente espiritual con la notable capacidad de conectar con tus seres queridos que han trascendido al otro lado. Mi propósito es ofrecer orientación y apoyo en asuntos relacionados con el amor, las relaciones y las finanzas.

Durante nuestras lecturas, me sumerjo en profundidades significativas para desvelar perspicaces conocimientos. A medida que interactuamos, plantearé preguntas para establecer una sólida conexión con tu esencia espiritual. Estas preguntas sirven como un medio para sintonizarme con tu energía única, garantizando que la orientación que proporciono sea precisa y significativa.

Utilizando cartas para enriquecer la experiencia, proporciono perspectivas sobre varios aspectos de la vida. Mi enfoque es directo pero constructivo, ya que me esfuerzo por ofrecerte consejos valiosos que te ayuden a encontrar tu camino. Permíteme acompañarte en este viaje hacia convertirte en tu mejor versión y abrazar la vida al máximo.

Palabras sabias

"El cambio es inevitable, el crecimiento es opcional." - James C. Maxwell

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3161 reseñas desde may 2011

Reseña mostrada AnaLuisa 1/6/2024 estrellas Lectura por teléfono

Million Stars! You See I Talk To John Couple Times A Day! I Have Been Through Personal Stuff That His Gifts And Holy Guide Have Helped Me Decide On The Right Path! I Myself Choose With His Readings That Help Dodge Heartache And Peace And Tranquility Have Entered! Besides being My Spiritual Advisor He Has Become My Best Friend! Give Him A Little Of Your Time That You Won’t Regret! Happy NewYear Week! 2024! Many Blessings!

andreiarodrigues 5/5/2024 estrellas Lectura por teléfono

I can not express how much John has put my mind at ease, he explained things in such detailed I contacted him with my current relationship and picked up things instantly. He also picked up my son’s father without me even mentioning it. He’s is extraordinary and I will most definitely be coming back to John for a reading. Just hoping the predictions come true ????

Espi11 5/5/2024 estrellas Lectura por teléfono

John is OUTSTANDING. Very direct, kind and funny. Thank you for everything today. I will be calling you back on Tuesday. Many blessings to you.

Firesign 5/5/2024 estrellas Lectura por teléfono

John is amazingly gifted! He provided me with so many useful information and predicted wonderful outcomes and events in future. It seemed like he could see the past, present and future with much clarity! He gave me specific dates for these beautiful events in future and I’m confident that they will manifest like he saw them happening… John is a true spiritual guide with a super kind heart, a brilliant mind and a genuine beautiful soul! -from the German seeker:)

Espi11 5/4/2024 estrellas Lectura por teléfono

John is truly amazing. He has said things to me that my poi said to me, just this past week. John is very accurate, kind and gifted. I’m blessed to have such an amazing man on my side through this situation. I know his predictions will come soon. Thank you John for all you do. Blessings to you.

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